COMMUNITY Playthings

Community Playthings

Mealtime Chair
A favorite classic with an updated design from Community Playthings Germany.
Outlast Tables and Benches
Very popular and long lasting
Water Tables
Very popular and long lasting

More than 70 years of quality

We design and manufacture furniture and play equipment in the UK for primary schools and early years settings. Together with visionary educators, we have been creating beautiful learning environments for over 50 years.

Designed for children

The way that children play influences our designs. Each item is designed to support open-ended play, making sure a child’s imagination is never limited by what they play with. The environment children play in has a great effect on them. Calm, protected areas allow children to concentrate on their play. Children who have ample opportunities for play go on to become eager learners. Our furniture is modular and adaptable, enabling the environment to be changed and developed.

Creating environments

We offer a complete, end-to-end solution that creates a perfect learning environment. From our free room layout service to installation, we can save you time and money. Our free training resources will help you maximise the benefit of your investment. Whether you’re updating an activity corner or designing a new school, you can call 0800 387 457 and talk it over with us.

Value for money

Community Playthings products never last less than ten years, and still look great even then. Budget furniture mostly lasts less than four years, and can look terrible after just a few months. But product replacement costs are not the whole picture. Hidden costs such as a poor Ofsted rating and unimpressed parents leading to unfilled places have far greater economic impact.

Who we are

Anyone who visits our workshops soon understands why Community Playthings products are different. They are designed, made and sold by a community of people that have been caring for children since 1920. Over 50 years ago we started selling toys and furniture that reflect our care and love for children. Believing that children thrive on imaginative and open-ended play, the first products sold were wooden blocks – the same shape and size we still make today!

Come and visit

The best way to fully understand our products and the values behind them is to visit us in East Sussex or Kent. You can arrange a visit at any time.